Monday, June 29, 2009
So this week was a very busy week. We had 8 baptisms on Saturday which made for a lot of work. It rained a ton that day and I was so nervous about how everything was going to turn out but everything was well planned out and it went beautifully. I am sending a picture of everyone together. I am also sending a beautiful picture of the amazing family that we have been teaching. They are so great! Although they were already an amazing family before we ever taught them, their lives have improved a ton for having accepted the Gospel in their lives. The Dad, Edgardo has changed a lot in particular. He has learned to be a more loving and kind husband and father. Their family is absolutely beautiful and I am so blessed to have been able to share with them.
Juan is another man who is in the big group picture (all the way on the right). He is the owner of the pool hall here in Consti (all of the jóvenes in the ward are excited about that!). It’s crazy how he has changed his life as well.
Well the work is good and I am happy to be doing it! Thanks to everyone for your love and support.
Hermana G.
So this week was a very busy week. We had 8 baptisms on Saturday which made for a lot of work. It rained a ton that day and I was so nervous about how everything was going to turn out but everything was well planned out and it went beautifully. I am sending a picture of everyone together. I am also sending a beautiful picture of the amazing family that we have been teaching. They are so great! Although they were already an amazing family before we ever taught them, their lives have improved a ton for having accepted the Gospel in their lives. The Dad, Edgardo has changed a lot in particular. He has learned to be a more loving and kind husband and father. Their family is absolutely beautiful and I am so blessed to have been able to share with them.
Juan is another man who is in the big group picture (all the way on the right). He is the owner of the pool hall here in Consti (all of the jóvenes in the ward are excited about that!). It’s crazy how he has changed his life as well.
Well the work is good and I am happy to be doing it! Thanks to everyone for your love and support.
Hermana G.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Well this week was very busy and very out of the ordinary. Really the misión life is like the same thing everyday but at the same time everyday is different. Well Friday was very different. We got to travel 5 ½ hours south to Concepción to hear Elder Oaks speak. No, I did not end up translating for his wife. They actually had a translator with them which put my mind at ease. Anyway, he was an amazing speaker. His words were very inspirational. He spoke a lot about focusing on the work, about finding yourself, and about being instruments in the Lords hands and what it takes to do that. It was so great just to hear his voice. We also all got to meet him and his wife which was awesome. But we weren’t allowed to shake hands because of the swine flu (the Sisters in Concepción had it) so we all bumped elbows instead which was funny. He has an amazingly deep voice and is really funny. So we ended up leaving really late and didn’t make it back to Consti that night. We had to stay the night in the apartment of some Elders in Talca, which is about 2 hours from home. DON’T WORRY…the Elders stayed in another apartment. But it was still weird for us to stay in their place…needless to say it was an experience!! I am sending a picture of the enire misión (I’m in the middle towards the back), of the 4 of us who were in the MTC together, and of me and hermana Egbert (Carol) who is from Rancho.
So the rain finally came this week! Only for 2 days but it completely changed the work! The streets were completely flooded up to our knees. Everyone thought we were crazy and no one wanted to let us in their houses drenched…I think I am going to be doing a LOT of praying this Winter!! But I’m looking forward to it: )
So I am also sending a picture of Clarisa who was recently baptized. Her story is amazing. It is so awesome to see that as people become closer to the Lord, they are able to make changes that they were never able to make before in their lives. Clarisa found the strength to get out of an abusive relationship and is way happier now and confident. I am so happy to have been able to see her transformation. We have a lot of other amazing people we are working with. There is a lot of work to be done here in Consti. Please pray for us!
Un besito a todos: )
Well this week was very busy and very out of the ordinary. Really the misión life is like the same thing everyday but at the same time everyday is different. Well Friday was very different. We got to travel 5 ½ hours south to Concepción to hear Elder Oaks speak. No, I did not end up translating for his wife. They actually had a translator with them which put my mind at ease. Anyway, he was an amazing speaker. His words were very inspirational. He spoke a lot about focusing on the work, about finding yourself, and about being instruments in the Lords hands and what it takes to do that. It was so great just to hear his voice. We also all got to meet him and his wife which was awesome. But we weren’t allowed to shake hands because of the swine flu (the Sisters in Concepción had it) so we all bumped elbows instead which was funny. He has an amazingly deep voice and is really funny. So we ended up leaving really late and didn’t make it back to Consti that night. We had to stay the night in the apartment of some Elders in Talca, which is about 2 hours from home. DON’T WORRY…the Elders stayed in another apartment. But it was still weird for us to stay in their place…needless to say it was an experience!! I am sending a picture of the enire misión (I’m in the middle towards the back), of the 4 of us who were in the MTC together, and of me and hermana Egbert (Carol) who is from Rancho.
So the rain finally came this week! Only for 2 days but it completely changed the work! The streets were completely flooded up to our knees. Everyone thought we were crazy and no one wanted to let us in their houses drenched…I think I am going to be doing a LOT of praying this Winter!! But I’m looking forward to it: )
So I am also sending a picture of Clarisa who was recently baptized. Her story is amazing. It is so awesome to see that as people become closer to the Lord, they are able to make changes that they were never able to make before in their lives. Clarisa found the strength to get out of an abusive relationship and is way happier now and confident. I am so happy to have been able to see her transformation. We have a lot of other amazing people we are working with. There is a lot of work to be done here in Consti. Please pray for us!
Un besito a todos: )
Monday, June 15, 2009
Primero I want to publicly send Birthday wishes to el Amor de mi vida:
¡Feliz cumpleaños mi sobrinito chiquitito y gordito! Eres la huahuita más bonita de todo el mundo, amorcito. Te quiero con todo mi corazón.
Ahora, I want to publicly send Father’s day wishes to my Papita:
¡Feliz día de Papá, mi papita gordito! Eres el Papá mejor del mundo y te quiero caleta! (Gordito is a term of endearment fyi :).
And finally, I world like to publicly congratulate the best basketball team of all the world for their championship: GO LAAKKKKEERRSSS!! (Don’t worry they didn’t even televise the games in Chile so I wasn’t distracted. Mom and Dad: I hope you keep the championship game on Tivo: )
SO Elder Dallin H Oaks is coming to Concepción and he wants to meet all of the missionaries of our mission and of the Concepción South mission! So we will be travelling about 6 hours by bus (or 3 by car if we can work that out) this Friday! We are all way excited! The mission president called me the other day to see if I could translate for Sister Oaks. He said that of all of the Sisters he thought of me (too bad Hermana Hutchinsons isn’t here!!). I know that this is going to sound horrible but I kind of said no. I didn’t exactly say no. I told him that if they needed me too that I would be happy to do it but that I knew of some other Sisters whose Spanish is better than mine.
The people who are sharing with are doing well! Our one amazing family keeps being amazing. There is this one woman who the other sisters were working with for a long time and we just figured out what her problem really is. It turns out she had an abusive boyfriend. We are helping her to let him go. It is so rewarding to so her progress!
Well I love you all and am sooooo greatful for your support!
Hermana Gamboa
Primero I want to publicly send Birthday wishes to el Amor de mi vida:
¡Feliz cumpleaños mi sobrinito chiquitito y gordito! Eres la huahuita más bonita de todo el mundo, amorcito. Te quiero con todo mi corazón.
Ahora, I want to publicly send Father’s day wishes to my Papita:
¡Feliz día de Papá, mi papita gordito! Eres el Papá mejor del mundo y te quiero caleta! (Gordito is a term of endearment fyi :).
And finally, I world like to publicly congratulate the best basketball team of all the world for their championship: GO LAAKKKKEERRSSS!! (Don’t worry they didn’t even televise the games in Chile so I wasn’t distracted. Mom and Dad: I hope you keep the championship game on Tivo: )
SO Elder Dallin H Oaks is coming to Concepción and he wants to meet all of the missionaries of our mission and of the Concepción South mission! So we will be travelling about 6 hours by bus (or 3 by car if we can work that out) this Friday! We are all way excited! The mission president called me the other day to see if I could translate for Sister Oaks. He said that of all of the Sisters he thought of me (too bad Hermana Hutchinsons isn’t here!!). I know that this is going to sound horrible but I kind of said no. I didn’t exactly say no. I told him that if they needed me too that I would be happy to do it but that I knew of some other Sisters whose Spanish is better than mine.
The people who are sharing with are doing well! Our one amazing family keeps being amazing. There is this one woman who the other sisters were working with for a long time and we just figured out what her problem really is. It turns out she had an abusive boyfriend. We are helping her to let him go. It is so rewarding to so her progress!
Well I love you all and am sooooo greatful for your support!
Hermana Gamboa
Monday, June 8, 2009
Hola All,
So I REALLY wish that I had more time to write because a LOT has happened lately. First and foremost, I found out that I am staying in Constitución for 6 more weeks!! YAY! I couldn’t be happier not only because I absolutely love the people here so much but also because we have people here who are progressing so well and I want to keep working with them. This weekend we saw a complete family get baptized. They really changed their lives around. We worked a lot with the father to help him stop drinking and smoking (hence the picture). So I am happy to be able to stay here with them. I am sad though that my compañera is going home. She was an amazing missionary and I was very blessed to have her as a companion! My new compañera is Hermana Norton. She is in the beach/starfish picture all the way on the right (we went to the beach this morning because it has surprisingly been very warm lately: ). She is amazing as well and I am way excited to work with her.
So I have talked a lot about Mila, this woman we have been teaching who is bedridden and hasn’t seen the light of day for over a month. Lately she hasn’t even been able to sit up so she hasn’t been able to go out in a wheelchair either. On Saturday we went and visited her and she got a blessing of health. On Sunday morning we went to get her for church (to be honest I didn’t really think she was going to be able to come) and she decided that she was going to come and she came! We carried her into the car and used a wheelchair to take her around. It was amazing for her and I was so excited to witness that miracle.
En realidad, I see miracles like that a lot. It’s so crazy and I am so greatful to be a part of what I am doing!
With Love,
Hermana Gamboa
Monday, June 1, 2009
From last Monday 5/25/09
Hola Amigos!
We have been working a lot with this wonderful cute little family of a single dad with his two sons (Joaquin, Francisco and Tomas). They are all wonderful with an amazing faith. We are helping Francisco to stop smoking. And it has definitely not been easy for him. It has been so nice to teach a complete family . . . to see them progress together and see the blessings in their family for it. I hope you can all keep Francisco in your prayers.
We are still teaching Mila and her niece Nataly. Mila is the one who is bedridden because of a bad surgery 10 years ago. She is so positive through everything! This week we came over and cleaned her patio with some members. It was really nice to be able to do something like that for her.
Oh, one funny story . . . so every day we eat at a different house with a different family from the church. Usually they give us a pretty good variety of food, but until Friday, my companera and I ate the same thing 8 days in a row! The SAME exact thing . . . BEANS. It was really funny actually. I think it is because Hermana Hutchinson is a vegitarian and they don't know what else to give us. Luckily they were very yummy.
One more funny story. So hermana hutchinson and I were walking into this part of town called Cintenela where there are a bunch of apartments and we see a big group of people surrounding a squealing pig. At first I thought they were killing it and then I thought that maybe they were just trying to give it medicine or something (there were kids there too so I thought that they couldn't be killing it.) Well my instincts were right. As we were leaving Cintenela we saw that they were cutting it up . . . what an experience!
Well six months now have gone by and I have to say that I am happy to be doing what I am doing :). I love the opportunity I have to bring joy to others. I am proud of the work I have been blessed with and of the changes I am making in my life. I am also very grateful for your love and support!
With love,
Hermana Camila Gamboa
We have been working a lot with this wonderful cute little family of a single dad with his two sons (Joaquin, Francisco and Tomas). They are all wonderful with an amazing faith. We are helping Francisco to stop smoking. And it has definitely not been easy for him. It has been so nice to teach a complete family . . . to see them progress together and see the blessings in their family for it. I hope you can all keep Francisco in your prayers.
We are still teaching Mila and her niece Nataly. Mila is the one who is bedridden because of a bad surgery 10 years ago. She is so positive through everything! This week we came over and cleaned her patio with some members. It was really nice to be able to do something like that for her.
Oh, one funny story . . . so every day we eat at a different house with a different family from the church. Usually they give us a pretty good variety of food, but until Friday, my companera and I ate the same thing 8 days in a row! The SAME exact thing . . . BEANS. It was really funny actually. I think it is because Hermana Hutchinson is a vegitarian and they don't know what else to give us. Luckily they were very yummy.
One more funny story. So hermana hutchinson and I were walking into this part of town called Cintenela where there are a bunch of apartments and we see a big group of people surrounding a squealing pig. At first I thought they were killing it and then I thought that maybe they were just trying to give it medicine or something (there were kids there too so I thought that they couldn't be killing it.) Well my instincts were right. As we were leaving Cintenela we saw that they were cutting it up . . . what an experience!
Well six months now have gone by and I have to say that I am happy to be doing what I am doing :). I love the opportunity I have to bring joy to others. I am proud of the work I have been blessed with and of the changes I am making in my life. I am also very grateful for your love and support!
With love,
Hermana Camila Gamboa
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